International Federation for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
The International Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (FIEALC) was established at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 1978, in collaboration with institutions specializing in Latin American studies from various countries. The Federation currently includes over 130 member centers and, as part of this collaboration, organizes congresses every two years. The XX FIEALC Congress was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The XXI Congress will take place in Beijing, China, from October 16 to 19, 2025.

Previous Congresses
The I Congress of the Federation, organized by the Rómulo Gallegos Center for Latin American Studies, chaired by Dr. Lyll Barceló, in Venezuela.
The II Congress was held in Spain by the Ibero-American Cooperation Institute, which is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was chaired by Dr. José Luis Rubio Cordón.
The III Congress was held at the State University of New York at Buffalo, United States, chaired by Dr. Jorge Gracia.
The IV Congress was held in Paris, organized by the French Association of Social Sciences on Latin America (AFFSAL), chaired by Dr. Romain Gainard.
The V Congress of the Federation was again held in Spain, Cáceres, Extremadura, with Dr. Tomás Calvo Buezas as president.
The VI Congress was held in Poland, chaired by Dr. Andrzej Dembicz.
The VII Congress was held in Taipei, Taiwan, at Tamkang University, chaired by Dr. Juan Hung Hui.
The VIII Congress was held at the University of Talca, Chile, chaired by Dr. Eduardo Devés Valdés.
The IX Congress was held at Tel Aviv University, Israel, chaired by Dr. Tzvi Medin.
The X Congress was held by the Latin American Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia, chaired by Dr. Vladimir Davydov.
The XI Congress was held in Osaka, Japan. Professor Yamada Mutsuo presided.
The XII Congress was held at the Italo-Latin American Institute (IILA) in Rome, dependent on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, chaired by Dr. Riccardo Campa.
The XIII Congress was held in Macao, China, under the chairmanship of Dr. Gary Ngai.
The XIV Congress was held at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, chaired by Dr. Efthimia Pandis Pavlakis.
The XV Congress was held at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, chaired by Dr. Antonio Colomer.
The XVI Congress was held at Ankara University, Turkey, under the presidency of Dr. Mehmet Necati Kutlu.
The XVII Congress was held at Busan University, South Korea, under the presidency of Kim Young Chul.
The XVIII Congress was held at Megatrend University, Belgrade, Serbia, chaired by Dr. Slobodan S. Pajovic.
The XIX FIEALC Congress, which was held in Szeged, Hungary, was chaired by Dr. András Lénárt.
The XX FIEALC Congress was held at CEINLADI, Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The XXI FIEALC Congress will be held at the prestigious Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) in Beijing.